'T is The House Of The Rising Sun...

'T is The House Of The Rising Sun...
Named for it's beautiful and mysterious owner, Madame Soliel Levant, the house could have been one of about five possible houses. Madame Rising Sun was rumored to have been killed with the help of her cousin.

Monday, November 7, 2022

When Upper Class Morals Dictated That Sex Was For Procreation Only & Pregnant Women Went Into "Confinement"...


In Victorian times decent women were not supposed to enjoy sex. Sex was something a woman endured to become pregnant, --- the goal of decent women, to give their husbands as many children as possible.

Naturally, a thin waist, the hourglass figure, was the ideal of fashion and when a fashionable pregnant woman began "to lose her figure," she would lace herself tighter. When the lacing would no longer work, she would confine herself to her home, until her baby was born. 


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