'T is The House Of The Rising Sun...

'T is The House Of The Rising Sun...
Named for it's beautiful and mysterious owner, Madame Soliel Levant, the house could have been one of about five possible houses. Madame Rising Sun was rumored to have been killed with the help of her cousin.

Friday, November 18, 2022

"From Hell," --- Award Winning Graphic Novel About Jack The Ripper...


Created by Alan Moore and Eddie Chapman, and made onto a stunning movie, starring Johnny Depp, as Inspector Fredrick Abberine, a bizarre, vice-ridden detective, --- but, that could be the writer using artistic license... I don't know what Inspector Abberine was like in real life. 

He mentions the old hat he's wearing. Johnny Depp looks great in grungy old clothes. Many have imitated his look, but nobody can pull off the Grungy-Johnny-Depp look, but grungy Johnny Depp.

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