Thursday, January 19, 2023

What Upper Class Victorian Ladies DID & DID NO'T Do...


***The Way Proper Victorian Ladies Act: 

---Ladies don't blow their noses in public. They use flowered lacy handkerchiefs in private. Ladies never spit. They seldom cough and when they do, they always cover their mouths and excuse themselves.

---They don't talk or laugh loudly. Ladies never yell or swear.

---They wear white gloves when they go out and a hat.

---They don't show much skin.

---Ladies are delicate and are known to faint on any occasion.  Ladies bathe modestly in tubs draped with sheets. They may take "hip-baths" and "foot-baths" and "facials". They bathe behind portable screens. Ladies like to smell nice and may use light colognes, but never heavy exotic smelling perfume, which is considered vulgar. A lady would not want to be taken for being a professional entertainer, such as an actress. Ladies have "excitable" emotions and are susceptible to the dreaded "feminine hysteria". All considerate husbands know this and try hard not to overly tire their wives.  

---A lady's gem of choice is often pearls. What is called a "dog collar" is very popular. A "dog collar" is a pearl choker made of rows of beautiful pearls. 

---They always allow the man to make the first move, romantically. Ladies obey their fathers and their husbands. Their fathers may arrange suitable marriages for them and, if so, a dutiful daughter will agree to the marriage. Ladies have elaborate weddings, marrying when they are still "in the bloom of youth". They may do "charity work" in their spare time.

---They don't wear their hair down in public. Ladies do not do their own hair. Their maids dress their hair. Ladies and their husbands have large houses with lots of servants. They hope to have many children, fulfilling their occupations as wives and mothers. When they are pregnant and begin to show they go into "confinement," not appearing in public again until the child is born.  

---Ladies aren't too bookish, but they are educated by tutors or governesses in reading, writing, arithmetic, geography, history, art, music, dancing and singing. Ladies do not express their opinions boldly. Ladies are discouraged from competing in a "man's world," or becoming lawyers, doctors, scientists, politicians or authors. Ladies do not desire to own property. In fact, when they marry all their inheritance belongs to their husbands who are their protectors in all things, especially in money matters.

---They don't drink spirits, such as gin or whiskey, only wine, liquors or champagne. Beer is considered a man's drink. Ladies do not have overly robust appetites. An "hourglass figure" with a fine "mound of bosom" and a "wasp waist" is the feminine ideal and elegant ladies will try their best to accomplish it.

---Ladies are polite to everyone. They manage their households with effortless grace. Their children are well behaved. 

---They keep their legs together and their ankles crossed. Ladies are not daring and adventurous.

---Their breath is always sweet. They never belch or fart. Their stomachs never grumble. Ladies know their husbands enjoy smoking cigars and drinking brandy with other men after dinner and they allow them this masculine pleasure.  

---Ladies do not enjoy sex too much. Sex is only for procreation and birth control is never used. A lady is glad to present her husband with many heirs.

---They use a parasol when going out in the sun to protect the quality of their skin. Ladies consider suntans common and vulgar. If ladies get freckled, they may use buttermilk on the freckles to "bleach" them. Ladies may promenade, taking walks in parks with their families and friends.

---Ladies do not sweat. Horses sweat. Men perspire. Ladies glow.

---Ladies do not vulgarly paint their faces or dye their hair. Even if they have it, they do not wear large amounts of jewelry. That would be considered vulgar.

---Ladies do not indulge in overly active sports. Bicycling and playing tennis or crochet is the limit. Ladies do not wear trousers, but they may wear "split skirts" for bicycling.

---Ladies enjoy the opera and ballet and sometimes Sunday afternoon polo matches. But, ladies never bet on any matches of any sort as that would be considered vulgar and "manly".

---Ladies wear stays and proper under garments. Ladies wear morning dresses, afternoon dresses and evening gowns. Ladies "dress" for dinner, have exquisite table manners and excellent conversation skills. Ladies always strive to be charming and lovely because this honors their husbands. 

 ---Ladies do embroidery and needlepoint.

---Ladies do not sit astride a horse. They ride side saddle. Ladies are always assisted when mounting a horse or entering or exiting a carriage.

---Ladies never carry their own luggage. They allow servants "to do for them".

---Ladies have beautiful handwriting and appropriate hobbies, such as flower arranging, bird watching and watercolor painting.

---Ladies keep their fingernails neat and clean and of moderate length. Their hands are soft and smooth. Ladies do not do manual labor of any kind.  

---Ladies sip tea, always drinking it from a cup with a saucer, never a mug. They never gulp. Ladies do not bolt their food. They nibble.

---Ladies are modest and have a naturally retiring nature. They never seek honors, or any recognition, fortune or fame. Ladies do not seek large amounts of friends, preferring to keep their circle of acquaintances small.

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